Thursday, March 3, 2016

Technological Barriers in Education

The earlier that we as educators introduce our children to technology and familiarize them with current technology, the better.  Technology is a great tool to use to enhance lessons and broaden our students understanding.  Technology can be used in a variety of different subjects and in a virtually limitless manner.  Technology can enable the teacher to differentiate lessons, form flipped classroom lessons using websites such as ShowMe, and also to integrate Social Studies into core subjects' lessons.  However, it is important that teachers first familiarize themselves with the current technological tools in order to achieve this.  Digital literacy, or lack of, is a problem in both children and adults.  Children may know how to use their gadgets for entertainment but are not as likely to use them as an effective educational tool.  Another barrier that we face with technology in education is that there are so many technological tools that it is difficult to determine which tool is most beneficial.  This is another reason why teachers should take the time to explore different options when planning to integrate technology into their lessons.  The article that I read has many different barriers that teachers must overcome in order to use technology effectively.

The Standards that I used were for Kindergarten because it is important to begin teaching technological skills as early as possible.  However, there are many standards covered with technology.

K.TT.1.1 Use a variety of technology tools to gather data and
information (e.g., Web-based resources, e-books, online
communication tools, etc.).
K.TT.1.2 Use a variety of technology tools to organize data and
information (e.g., word processor, graphic organizer, audio
and visual recording, online collaboration tools, etc.).
K.TT.1.3 Use technology tools to present data and information
(multimedia, audio and visual recording, online collaboration
tools, etc.).
K.SE.1.1 Identify examples of responsible use and care of technology
hardware and software.
K.SE.1.2 Remember internet safety rules.

1 comment:

  1. You're right David. Technology integration at an early age is very important if we want to expand into the 21st century learner. There are many different opportunities that we have to encourage tech learning and leading students in how to use it effectively. I just saw a tweet today that basically stated Tech without Pedagogy i.e. delivery/method is a glorified digital worksheet. Meaning if we are not teaching students with tech or if they are not learning by it, then it is not any different than the old way of doing things.
