Monday, January 18, 2016

Social Studies Map

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills and National Council of Social Studies have teamed up to create a Social Studies Map for educators.  This is exciting because it allows for 21st century educators to be on the same page as they try to integrate Social Studies into their curriculum.  The article that I read about this in points out many specific skills that are covered in the map, the skills include, creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, information literacy, media literacy, information and communication technologies, literacy, flexibility and adaptability, initiative and self direction, social and cross-cultural skills,
productivity and accountability, and leadership and responsibility.  These skills are necessary to develop in our students both from a professional and personal stand point.  In order for Social Studies to be clearly communicated to our children and in order for them to understand the importance of Social Studies we must continue to develop new ideas and new ways to differentiate our lessons in order to keep their interest.  As technology continues to advance, it is important to integrate that into our lessons to enable an interesting and interactive way to teach our lessons.  The article can be found at the following link:

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